WorPress Maintenance

Below are the list of actions we will perform on your WordPress website on a regular basis.

  1. Create a Complete Backup of Your Website

  2. Check and Update All WordPress Files

  3. Test All Your WordPress Forms

  4. Optimize Your WordPress Database

  5. Run Performance Tests

  6. Find and Fix 404 Errors

  7. Find and Fix Broken Links

  8. Perform a Thorough Content and SEO Audit

  9. Optimize Images on Your WordPress Site

  10. Review WordPress Security Logs

  11. Troubleshoot Maintenance Tasks

  12. Manage server related issues

  13. Add and setup plugins

  14. Support in content update

  15. Ticket based support

Once subscribed our team will connect with you withing 24 hours to gain access and understand all the integration performed.You can also share all the credentials on our admin's website - admin@tattler.co

We will manage and maintain your WordPress website to ensure uptime and better performance .

$99.00 / Month